Jacob's Well

It is our aim to widen our network to the largest possible Christian support network in every city and town in our country.  We are looking for people and organisations that God's Spirit has raised up to take hands in the Body of Christ to accomplish His goals on earth.


These next videos show interviews with people who work in the Jacob's Well Network. They will explain how they see their roles.


Inge, branch manager of Centurion and Midstream talks to Carl of kerksondermure explaining how they recruit and utilise the largest network of people around Jacob's Well.

Personnel or JOB AGENCIES play a key role in our network. Listen to LOCAL a job agent explaining her part in the Jacob's Well Network for jobseekers:


COUNSELLING usually plays a major part in the support we offer people, especially if problems have escalated due to a prolonged period of not finding work.  Jackie explains her approach to counseling such persons.


Listen to a lady from a local CHARITY MINISTRY (Hart-Aksie) explaining their role in our Jacob's Well Network for jobseekers:


Listen to a local LAWYER explaining his role as a volunteer in the Jacob's Well Network:


Listen to Elsabe explain how she used her gift of HOSPITALITY as a volunteer at our Breakfast Sessions:


Listen to Chris, a FACILITATOR, explaining his role at the Jacob's Well Breakfast Sessions:


Listen to Freddy, another FACILITATOR, explaining his role at our Breakfast Sessions:

We thus far have taken hands with:


Die volgende videos is onderhoude met verskillende rolspelers in ons netwerk. Hul verduidelik hoe hulle hul rolle sien.


Hier verduidelik Carl van kerksondermure en Inge, bestuurder van ons tak in Centurion , hoe hulle daarin slaag om die potensiaal van die netwerk uit te bou.

Carl en Inge verduidelik hoe professionele vrywilligers probono-werk vir Jakob se Put doen om mense tussen werk te help:

Personeelagente of WERKSAGENTE het 'n sleutelrol in ons netwerk. Hier verduidelik 'n plaaslike agent hoe sy in die netwerk vir die ondersteuning aan werksoekers inpas:

BERADING speel 'n belangrike rol in ons ondersteuning van mense tussen werk, veral as mense vir lang tydperke nie werk kan vind nie en hulle probleme geneig is om te eskaleer. Jackie verduidelik hoe sy hierdie berading benader.


Barmhartigheids en WELSYNSBEDIENINGE werk nou saam met Jakob se Put. Hier verduidelik 'n vrywilliger hoe hulle in die Netwerk inpas:


Luister hoe 'n plaaslike PROKUREUR se rol as 'n vrywilliger in die Jakob se Put Netwerk sien:


Elsabe verduidelik hoe sy haar gawe van GASVRYHEID as vrywilliger by ons Ontbyt Sessies uitleef:

Luister hoe Chris,'n FASILITEERDER, sy rol by ons Ontbyt Sessies beskryf:


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24 November 2017

Waterkloof Glen Branch closing.See Branch Locator for alternatives.

Please note that the Waterkloof Glen Branch is closing indefinitely due to funding challenges. Also, we are having trouble with the...

Read More  Read all 21 June 2017

Looking for Candidates ???

Please see the latest Jacob's Well candidates info under RESOURCES / DOWNLOADS / JOB SEEKER ADS We update the  JOB SEEKER...

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12 March 2017
Robert Clunie

"Stephan Naude (Branch Manager at our Roodepoort Branch)submitted this Testimonial:

“I had nearly given up on a job search; the market was cruel and saturated and the economy of South Africa did..."

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